Bass Lake Camp
The years gone by Gallery
Top right the movie. Top left Dan Winkler.
Bottom left Dan and Kevin heading up to the flag raising.
Bottom right Tom Mayes and Lee Lane,
midnight raid on Wolverine.
Our Fearless Leader, John Jensen.
The Owasippee patch 1971
One of the many camp photos, I will try to name as many of the guys as possible. First Row:Andy Lindeman,-Tom Hayes-----Pete Hepner.
2nd row: Kevin Gaskin, - Dick Cole, Jeff Doll, Tom Olofson,- Tom Rainsford,Tom Keckley-Dave Rowan,-Mark Gradolf.
3rd row:Mr. Arendt, Mike Dalzel,-,-,-,Dan Winkler,-,-,-Tom Grobel,-,Ted Drower,-Mr. Leindeman.
4th row: Hank Cody, _-, Kevin Quigley, Phil Rothman, Dwight Westrom, Hogan,----George Schultz,.5th row; Doug Westrom. Dave Durham,- Mark Lindeman, Beardsly, Tom Arendt, Jeff Moody,- Tim Coughlin,
6th row: _ Jerry Blake, Phil Sandrom, Chip Pearce, Dan Cole ,-,-,-,Jim Quin, Lenny Octonberg,-, Beardsley.I need some help with the names forgotten. Please look the picture over and let me know some of the names I missed..
The water front
Kevin sitting on the log accross Cleavland Creek.
Such an innocent young lad!
Clowning in Mr. J's duds...
I do accept Pics from any one and I will post the ones I
find significant.
Because of unwanted mail
Kevin at